Faculty Learning Outcomes

As the decision taken at the faculty board dated 29.01.2021 dictates,



Faculty Learning Outcomes







Follows the relevant literature and communicates verbally in at least one foreign language

Graduates who are able to communicate verbally and write as well as review the literature in at least one foreign language.


Programmes with 30 % and 100 % English medium


Uses mathematics, positive sciences, and computer science effectively to design and solve engineering problems.

Graduates with the competence to design and conduct experiments, collect data, analyze and interpret results, select and use current techniques and tools in the field of technology for the solution of theoretical and practical engineering problems.


Graduation (final) projects of departments


Creates, manages, reports and presents projects

Graduates who can design and manage projects in their field and present results to shareholders


Design project courses, graduation projects, project exhibitions


Participates in disciplinary and interdisciplinary teams

Graduates who can work harmoniously and effectively in teams as members and leaders with people from their own and different fields

MÜH302 course, project-oriented courses offered commonly among the departments


Is aware of universal and social values in engineering practices

Graduates who have a sense of professional ethics and social responsibility, and who consider environmental and occupational safety issues in their professional practices

ISG courses, courses related to ethics, courses based on the environmental dimension